To many early civilzations, the presece of the moon and the Sun was essential in dailylife. Our current calender is based on the movement of the Sun whereas the Islamic and Chinese calender are all Lunar calenders. Every Lunar moon begins with a new moon phrase. Although we cannot see the new moon phrese,it has a very special significance with regardto eclipses, especially the eclipse of the Sun. Nowadays, many young people are less interess in studing and seeking careers in scince,perticularly astronomy. This hopes that this topic on eclipses will stimulate their interest in scince and helped them to develop interest in careers such as astronomer,astronautand astrophysicist.


6.2 Understanding the eclipse of the Sun
Lesson 2: The Sleeping Sun
In this lesson,pupils lern about eclipse of the Sun. They should  understand why this phenomenon occurs and predict the senario happens on Eaeth during this occurrence.


The Eclipse of Sun o when the Earth, Sun and Moon are in a line. If the Moon is in-between the Earth and the Sun, it blocks the view of the Sun from some parts of the Earth, and this produces a solar eclipse.
An eclipse of the Sun happens when the sun appears dark. A full eclipes of the Sun occurs if the whole Sun is dark except for the corona ring.A particial eclipes of the Sun occurs when only a part of the Sun appears dark. An eclipse of the Sun (solar eclipse) can only ocur at new moon when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. If the Moon dark parthappen to fall upon the Earth's surface at the time, we see some portions if the Sun's disc covered by the Moon. In tihs instance the eclipse of the Sun has occurred.

During eclipde ofthe Sun,darkness suddenly falls during the day. The temperatured falls a new degrees centigrade. The whole atmosphere can be very still and eerie. Birds stopsinging and butterfliesn stop fluttering around. Swarm of bees can be seen going back into their hives.

During the new Moon,the moon is located between the Earth and the Sun. However in most Lunar moths, the moon travels a liile above or below the Sun in the Sky. This will not form an eclipse of the Sun because the moon dark part usually missed the Earth as it passes above or below the Earth. Thus no eclipseof the Sun will occurs in this situation. The eclipse of the Sun willonly occurs if:
  • the Earth  is between theMoon and the Sun.
  •  the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in straigth line.

The Moon and the Sun appear to have the same size when viewed from the Earth. The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun, but at the same time the Sun is about 400 times farther away from the Earth than the Moon. Because of this, when there is a solar eclipse, the Moon is about the right size to completely cover the disk of the Sun. If the Moon is close enough to the Earth, it will cover it completely, and we get a total solar eclipse.


During the eclipse of the Sun,the moon's has twopart:
  • The ligther part (also known as penumbra)-wherre the Moonpartly blocks the Sunlight.
  • The dark part (also known unbra)-where the moon totally blocks the Sunlight
Partial Eclipse of the Sun
In a pertial eclipse,the Moon's dark part (unbra) darknes a part of the Earth. The reminder of the Sunwill still be quite brigth as normal. However,the Moon's darkpart will gradually move across the Earth,, covering the Sun's disc. Less and less portion of the Sunwill remain bright.

Total eclipse of the Sun
In a total eclipse of the Sun, the dark part of the Moon (umbra) completely covers the Earth's surface. The Sun darknes, turns into a dark discsurrounded by a bright rinfg called corona. Atotol eclipse is always preceded and followed by a partial ecpilse.